Embassy of India, Athens, Greece

Notice Inviting Tender for carrying out Topographical Survey at Embassy Residence, Athens ||| Notice Inviting Tender for carrying out Geotechnical Survey at Embassy Residence, Athens

Contact Us

Consular services:
Receiving of applications for consular services - 9 a.m.-11.00 a.m.
Enquiries regarding passport/Visa and other Consular services 1400 - 1500 hrs.
Collection of documents 1500 - 1600 hrs

Contact Information
Address : 3, Kleanthous Str., Athens 10674
Telephone Nos. : 00 30 210 7216227 & 30 210 7216481
Fax Nos. : 00 30 210 7211252, 00 30 210 7235458 & 00 30 210 7245129

E-Mail Addresses
Ambassador: amb.athens@mea.gov.in
Head of Chancery: hoc.athens@mea.gov.in
Visa Service: cons.athens@mea.gov.in
Passport & Consular  Services: cons.athens@mea.gov.in
Administrative Matters: admn.athens@mea.gov.in
Accounts Section: accts.athens@mea.gov.in
Cultural Queries: com1.athens@mea.gov.in
Commercial/trade enquiries: com.athens@mea.gov.in, com1.athens@mea.gov.in

Working Hours

Working hours:
0900 to 1730 hrs. - Mondays to Fridays, except public holidays.

Consular services:
Receiving of applications for consular services : 0900 - 1100 hrs.
Enquiries regarding passport services 1400 - 1500 hrs.
Collection of documents:  1530 - 1630 hrs